Books I Read: January 2020

Thank you for coming over to my blog to read my quick little tidbits about the books that I’ve read in the first month of January!

In 2019 I dedicated my Instagram page to showcasing my reading list; this year I have decided to share my books in my blog. At the end of every month I will post a blog post dedicated solely to my reading list. I will tell you what I read and why, what the book is about, and if I enjoyed it. I will also give a vague recommendation that you can do with as you like.

I will say, this month was WAY more “for fun” books than I have had in a very long time. I usually have my book list packed with self-help and personal/business development books. This year I have decided to cut back on the educational books, doing only one or two every month. I also do not intend on reading twelve books every month. I would like to cut that back to about four each month. We’ll see what happens…ENJOY!

1. Ester Kreindel the Second

Isaac Bashevis Singer

This is a short story about Esther Kreindel and how her spirit goes into another body after death because she does not want to leave her husband alone.

I listened to this audio book because I found it when searching for something to listen to while at the gym.

It is definitely a quick read and it kept my interest. I would recommend it if you have an hour or two to spare. It wasn’t life changing or anything, just a simple story that makes you think.

2. Shine

Jodi Picoult

Shine is a prequel to Picoult’s book, Small Great Things, which I am going to be listening to in February. This is a childhood story of the main character in Small Great Things, Ruth, in which you can better understand her for when you’re reading Small Great Things.

I read this book because I was searching for another one of Jodi Picoult’s books and saw that Shine was a prequel. I love when stories continue on for a while, especially through prequels and sequels. So, I decided to read it. It is a short-story and is only an hour or two long, very quick listen.

I really enjoyed this story, though it was not what I was expecting. I usually do not read books that are in this genre, so it was very different for me.

I would definitely recommend this book if you plan on reading Small Great Things. I am currently listening to Small Great Things, and having first listened to Shine, it’s making the story connect a little more than if I hadn’t.

3. The Testaments

Margaret Atwood

The Testaments is set in the future in a “new” U.S. There is a new government, called Gilead, and society has been turned onto it’s head, it’s actually quite difficult to explain. The three main characters tell their story simultaneously, as “the testaments” are testaments in court – we are hearing the story from the court’s perspective. The new world has a hierarchy of sorts, where you are placed into a role, either by birth or by “choice.” Canada is a “free” nation and is trying to bring down Gilead because of the dictation that it’s made up of. Once character is in Canada and the other two are in Gilead, one in leadership and one a regular citizen.

I chose to listen to this book because I kept seeing it Everywhere and I needed to know what the hub-bub was about. Now I know why everyone likes it! Oh, and I also found out that The Handmaid’s Tale is the original story by Atwood in this alternative world…that’s going onto my TBR list!

I really enjoyed this book because it’s set in an alternate world. I like futuristic settings and historical fiction, I’m not too fond of current-timeline books. This book kept my interest and kept me guessing, I liked it.

I would definitely recommend it.

4. Evvie Drake Starts Over

Linda Holmes

Ironically, after saying that I enjoy books out of our current timeline, this book IS set in our current world. This story begins with Evvie secretly leaving her husband; she was on the way with her suitcase to her car when she received the phone call that her husband had been in an accident. After his death, she has to pretend that she was still in love with him, though she wasn’t, and she has to fight with herself because she doesn’t even miss him. Emotional turmoil, for sure.

I decided to read this book because I fell upon a Meet Up book club that is reading it for a meeting next week and I thought I might hop into the group. Hence, why I wouldn’t usually read this type of book.

I enjoyed this story. I liked being able to read about a normal woman with a normal life situation, though it sounds impossible, I’m sure it is more common than we think, unfortunately.

I would recommend you to read this.

5. Harry Potter & the Cursed Child

J.K. Rowling

This is about Harry Potter’s life After the initial seven HP books and is written as a screenplay. This book follows Harry’s son, James, as he goes into Hogwarts and gets into mischief.

I read this book because I was in Michigan, searching for a book to read with my niece, and it was the only Harry Potter book in the library that we had both not read yet. The best part – since it was a screenplay, we read it to each other! Such a great bonding experience!

I really enjoyed this book, though I didn’t know what it was going to be about (I had imagined the story of Voldemort…) and I didn’t know that it was a screenplay before finding it in the library. But, I have never read a J.K. Rowling book that I didn’t like, so I knew I would like it before I even started it.

Highly recommend.

6. Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them

J.K. Rowling

This book was so fun to listen to! This is the book that Harry Potter uses in one of his classes at Hogwarts and has since been made into so many additional stories / movies. This outlines the beasts in the Wizarding world.

After reading HP & the Cursed Child, I was on a Rowling kick, so I searched for something I hadn’t read yet. I have seen the movie that was created from this book and J.K. Rowling’s incredible mind, so I needed to read this one!

I am so glad I listened to it though because it has sound effects, just like Quidditch Through the Ages does (I listened to that one last year)! So fun to listen to AND it was a very quick listen, only an hour or two!

Highly recommend.

7. The Starless Sea

Erin Morgenstern

This book is difficult to explain because there are so many moving parts. Essentially, it’s about a young man who finds himself in a mystical, fantastical world only accessible through magical doors. Yup, it’s awesome!

I was meandering through the public library while I was still in Michigan and I fell upon this four days before I was to go back to Florida. This book is THICK, so I hesitated, thinking I might not be able to finish it in four days. Challenge extended, challenge accepted! I went through this book SO fast and it was Easy because I loved the confusing story line, especially when it ties in later on in the book.

think this is one of my favorite reads in a long time. I loved this story! The characters, the scenery and description, and the overall story line; it was like walking into a new world!

8. Think Better Live Better

Joel Osteen

This is a self-help, religious/spiritual book. I; however, read it as a motivational piece, not for spiritual guidance.

I received this book in a raffle at a networking event and I was hesitant to even read it. But I have this thing where I hate to Not read books…I have been working on it and I have recently given away three books without reading them – it was SO hard. Anyways, I read it and I read it for motivation, not spiritual guidance.

I posted about this book in my Instagram and I was given some very rude remarks and messages, saying that I am going against God by reading Osteen. Okay people, like I said In My Post with this book, I read it for motivation And I do not take Biblical guidance from anywhere but the Bible – I cross reference Everything. So, I took the post down. I have Never taken a post down before.

Recommendation: Read it if you want, but beware the downers who will condemn you. As a Christian, I was very upset with people’s backlash to me; I do not have to explain myself to anyone and if they know me, then they know where my real guidance is coming from (God).

9. Ash Princess

Laura Sebastian

Ash Princess is the first book in a three-part series. The third book is coming out Spring 2020! This book is about a princess, Theodosia, whose family is murdered by a rival emperor. This rival takes Theodosia as a prisoner and raises her in his court.

I listened to this book while I was in Michigan. I originally found it by searching for my name, “Laura” followed by “young adult fantasy” and I started listening to it to see if it was something that my niece could listen to with me, but it’s for a little older audience, maybe high school…but that didn’t stop me from continuing lol! I would listen while I was cleaning or building puzzles.

I really enjoyed this book and only after I finished it did I realize that it is the first of a series! So, of course, I went straight to book two!

Definitely recommend for people who enjoy kingdoms, magic, and medieval war-esk books.

10. Lady Smoke

Laura Sebastian

Lady Smoke continues the story of Theodosia; however, I do not want to give away who is on her side or against her, in case you want to read the series too. Let’s just say, new characters arise and there’s a little more to do with medieval hierarchy.

As soon as I finished listening to Ash Princess, I downloaded the ebook of Lady Smoke (the audio version was checked out in the library app that I use). I read the first 25% of the book while flying back to Michigan.

I really enjoyed this book and I am eager to know what will happen in the third book which is scheduled to come out in Spring 2020. This book still leaves openings to a few relationships and there isn’t a concrete ending in sight.

Again, I recommend it if you enjoy this fantasy genre.

11. The School for Good and Evil

Soman Chainani

This magical fairy tale, of sorts, combines All fairy tales. This book series starts off in a village where two children are abducted every few years and are said to turn into the fairy tale characters they read in their children’s books; Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White, all of it. Two young girls who are friends are taken and they end up going to the opposite schools, the good girl who is light and generous goes to the School for Evil and the dark and mysterious girl goes to the School for Good.

I found this book, again, searching for a book to listen to with my niece. We both became obsessed with the series.

The magical components remind me of Ella Enchanted, while the school parts remind me of Harry Potter, with the magical classes the characters attend.

I would recommend this series to young fantasy readers – I’m just in love with this genre as an adult, that’s okay, right? LOL!

12. A World Without Princes

Soman Chainani

Without giving away the first book, this second book follows the same characters through a new set of twists and turns. There is quite a twist for the school itself as well.

After finishing the first of the series, I was hooked, as was my niece. We challenged each other to a reading competition for the year and we both have this series on our list to read this year.

Again, young adults into fantasy and magic will enjoy this series…and so do I.

Thank you for reading! Please comment any questions / comments below!! If you have any books that you would like to suggest for me, please email me at OR you can message me on Instagram HERE!

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